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Description: Arranges battlefield and pilgrimage tours of western Europe, Living History for schools and military re-enactment.

first (1559) waterloo (769) arnhem (610) normandy (150) somme (129) re-enactment (82) great war (79) second world war (70) ypres (39) dunkirk (36)

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Man is fascinated by war - the events of the Second World War are still within living memory, and The Great War and the Western Front still exert a strong pull after nearly a century has gone by. The battlefields of Northern France and Belgium, The Somme, The Ypres Salient, the ghastly battle for Verdun, the epic struggle for Vimy Ridge, all still exercise a fascination to each sucessive generation. Over 126 British cemeteries on the Ypres Salient alone bear testimony to the loss of a generation and to the

With the approach of the centenary of the Great War, hundreds of latter-day pilgrims are re-kindling their interest in what happened to their ancestors, those old sepia-tinted images in dusty picture frames of old uncle Albert and cousin Fred, so lovingly tended by a long-passed grandmother. What did happen to them ? and why, and where ? Is it still possible to trace their footsteps and enter their world ? These are questions to which I can provide answers.

Battlefield tours to the scenes of those terrible conflicts have become an important way for each sucessive generation to come to terms with what took place all those years ago and in some cases to gain closure on family history. Some come to look for relatives buried in one of the beautiful war cemeteries or commemorated on one of the majestic Memorials to the Missing, some to trace the footsteps of relatives long departed, some simply to look and wonder . Whatever the reason, a visit to the battlefields i