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Again and again, U.S. politicians talk, especially Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, from the successful “new start” in relations with Russia. But behind the scenes it looks quite different. Because of the confidential Wikileaks dispatches show that American diplomats have placed on the leadership in Moscow deep mistrust and characterize Russia even as a “mafia state” with authoritarian and criminal structures, which – as the New York Times “-” high centralized, sometimes brutally and irrevocably corrupt an
The information published in media like the New York Times and Washington Post followed on an interview broadcast on the eve of the CNN veteran Larry King with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who made his outrage at the revelations Wikileaks no secret. Putin has said the end of the talk-show appearance suspect that Wikileaks deliberately used for political purposes and it is so assumed Putin indirectly, could also be a conspiracy of the West.
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