- Books from Patriarch Publishing House

Description: Books from Patriarch Publishing House, Dedicated to the restoration, support and encouragement of biblical marriage and family structure.

family (12458) christian (11041) marriage (2541) husband (177) patriarchy (17) patriarch (15) plural (14) patriarchal (2) books on polygamy (1) headship (1)

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Patriarch Publishing House TM       Dedicated to the restoration, support and encouragement of biblical marriage and family structure.        

             A collection of books defending Christian Polygyny – Plural Marriage             Quote: “In the Hebrew Scriptures, we find both monogamy and polygamy as accepted and even expected forms of marriage. Commentators, embarrassed by the polygamy in the Bible, try to mute the subject by insisting its practice was rare and abnormal. The record does not stand up to that assumption. Polygamy was a custom practiced extensively among God’s people” – Eros Made Sacred  

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