Description: PAUL JACOB BASHOUR Artist Featured WorksPortfolioAllSubtly Crude Collection No. 5, 2022Subtly Crude Collection No. 5, 2022Dahlia Collection Gold No. 8Dahlia Collection Gold No. 8Dahlia Collection Black No. 10Dahlia Collection Black No. 10Dahlia Collection Blue No. 4Dahlia Collection Blue No. 4Unexpected Emotions Collection No. 12Unexpected Emotions Collection No. 12Unexpected Emotions Collection No. 11Unexpected Emotions Collection

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We perceive ourselves through emotions that visually capture our identity We transfer those emotions into an art form that ultimately becomes who we are

Daring to aim higher Willing to tackle any obstacles ahead Reaching beyond our skies To make a voice unknown, known

Perhaps there is more More than just creating oneself Unaware what’s beyond our stars