- Paul Rand Tribute by DLS Design

Description: Tribute to Paul Rand, influential graphic designer whose work included logos for IBM, UPS and others. By DLS Design.

next (2152) ups (1006) abc (952) ibm (912) westinghouse (37) cummins engine (13) paul rand (2) logos by paul rand (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Paul Rand, the graphic designer whose work for many years defined our field, died on November 26, 1996. During his long career, he established many of the definitions of the term "graphic designer". Paul Rand designed a group of logos for important American institutions. These adhered to principles of simplicity, ease of recognition, and absolute appropriateness to their subject matter. Many of them, though decades old, are still in use. These include logos for Westinghouse, UPS, ABC, Next Computer, Yale Un

Paul Rand, like Frank Lloyd Wright, another American original, enjoyed a very long career, achieved recognition young, and saw his principles adopted by whole generations of practitioners. Such a long career inevitably passed through greater and lesser periods of influence and recognition, but the work always held up.

Paul Rand's early work was groundbreaking, but it is with the design of these major corporate logos from the mid-point of his career that he distilled the essences of modernity and simplicity for his corporate patrons, and set the standards for the art of the logo. The next screen shows each of the above logos in all their solid power.