- Paul Selwood | Australian Sculptor | Awarded Balnaves Sculpture Prize 2011

Description: Award winning sculptor Paul Selwood, based in Wollombi, Hunter Valley. Winner of Sculpture by the Sea with Paradiegma Metaphysic.

australian (1400) sculptor (1257) valley (1086) paul (1056) hunter (807) metaphysic (6) selwood (1) paradiegma (1)

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Award winning Australian sculptor Paul Selwood exhibited at Watters Gallery Sydney in July 2014.

Recipient of the Lempriare Scholarship for a senior artist in 2013. His work "Expanded Figure" exhibited at Sculpture by the Sea, Aarhus DK, was purchased by Kamstrup Engineering Denmark in 2013. Winner of the Balnaves Prize, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2011.

Paradiegma Metaphysic 2011, steel, painted, 180 x 360 x 300cm. Awarded Balnaves Foundation Sculpture Prize, Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2011. Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney. Photos: Stephen Oxenbury