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Paul B. Skousen is a journalist, author and instructor on the United States Constitution.  He received his undergraduate from BYU in Journalism and his Master’s degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University.

After graduate school Paul worked for President Ronald Reagan in the White House Situation Room.  In addition, Paul was an intelligence officer for the CIA. He received national notoriety when he preserved a large bag of shredded top secret documents, the so-called “smoking gun” from the Iran-Contra Affair, that he sold piecemeal as “shredded secrets from the White House.” Paul Harvey and other media outlets covered the unusual story.

Paul has extensive experience interviewing political and military leaders in Egypt, Israel and Jordan, including the former prime minister of Jordan, the political advisor to Egypt’s President Mubarak, and senior generals in the Israeli military. Paul is the author of seven books including The Naked Socialist and Treasures from the Journal of Discourses .

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