- 博鱼体育app下载(中国)有限公司

Description: 博鱼体育app下载(中国)有限公司婉儿推荐成立于一九九二年七月股份于2002年12月26日经安徽省人民政府批准设立(批准文号:皖政股[2002]第44号),公司注册资本人民币2200万元。公司前身为马鞍山市中德机床厂,系生产各类普通及数控折弯机、剪板机、压力机、三、四辊卷板机、联合冲剪机、切角机、刃模具配件的现代化管理企业。博鱼体育app下载(中国)有限公司有限公司的生产设备精良、技术力量雄厚、制造工艺先进、检测设备齐全,通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证。公司坚持“诚信服务、学习创新、质量保证”的质量方针,以优质、优价、优良的产品和服务,最大限度满足用户需求,诚挚履行对用户的承诺,树立公司良好的企业形象。欢迎各界朋友光临指导并谋求共同发展,共创美好未来。

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"Caritas, Constantia, Excellentia, Integritas" "Caring, Constancy, Excellence, Integrity"      Contact Us     ¤    Reunions     ¤    Memory Lane     ¤    Recent Photos     ¤   Reunion Committee Fallen Eagles     ¤    Missing Classmates     ¤    Other Class Sites     ¤   Paxon History     ¤   70th Birthday Party 60th Reunion Planning

The reunion committee is in the planning stages for our 60th reunion and we need your input. First, are you interested in coming? Would you be bringing a spouse or friend? We need a tentative head count. Second, if you have any changes in your personal info ex. phone numbers, email, or home address. Our goal is to keep the cost as low as possible. The reunion will be only one afternoon or evening, a Saturday.  Dress code is casual. Please call one of the committee with your info as soon as possible. Sharon

As part of our Memory Lane section, we are trying to add class pictures for all the elementary schools that fed into Paxon ... all eight  ... Annie R. Morgan, Biltmore, Dinsmore, Grand Park, Pickett, Ramona, Reynolds Lane and Thomas Jefferson ... for the years that the Paxon Class of '64 attended. We're doing good with some of the schools but really need your help on the missing classes. Take a few minutes and see " the way we were " ... and if you have some of the missing pictures, please let us know.  Als

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