pbrflorida.com - PBR Florida

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Professional Business Resource group is the premiere networking solution for businesses in the Lee County area. Our members strive to help one another build business. Our goal is to bring high quality, hard working and reliable professionals together. Whether you have an established company or you are starting a new business, PBR can help.

Professional Business Resource is an original and unique group in Southwest Florida, created by and governed by local members. We have low and few dues that are controlled by the local group with all of the funds going towards local group marketing and social events. At PBR, we only allow 1 (one) professional per industry in order to maximize each member’s referrals. Quality referrals also happen when we cap our organization at 35 members, allowing our members to build strong trust relationships that genera

The best way to find out if we’re a good fit for you is to come have breakfast with us, connect, ask questions and get a feel for the group as a whole to see if we’re the solution you’ve been looking for.

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