Description: PBullet is a PHP framework and a SaaS tool which allows to build custom websites and CMS extremely fast.
free (33108) php (16929) framework (839) generative ai (303) php5 (127) php7 (70) php8 (42) pbullet (1) develop websites fast (1)
You will need the following software installed on your computer before starting with the development.
chmod 766 files This will allow the uploaded files to be saved under the files directory, otherwise you might be receiving errors during file uploads. Navigate to mysite , open package.json and modify the value for the author key In Terminal navigate to mysite and run npm install Run gulp . Here you might get some errors about missing gulp dependencies located in gulpfile.js . If e.g. gulp-uglify would be throwing errors then install it by using one of the commands npm install -g gulp-uglify or npm install
Below we will use a section with the id="samplePage" as an example. To create a page you will need the following: