The PCG of the British Crystallographic Association ( BCA ) and the SCMP of the Institute of Physics ( IoP ) are two names for the same group. The aim of the group is to promote and support physical crystallography in all its current forms. We organise meetings and workshops, award a thesis prize every year and a lecture prize biennially. There is also limited funding to provide student bursaries to help towards the cost of attending international conferences.
The aim of this website is to provide information to our members and hopefully attract new members from the community. The site is in the form of a ‘ wiki ’, which allows users of the site to add their own content and comment on others. In this way it is hoped it will be a dynamic home for the physical crystallography community.
Save the date - The 2023 Winter Crystallography Meeting will be held at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory on 6th & 7th November 2023. Further details to follow.