pcglitigation.com - The Capital Commitment | Private Investment Funds Attorneys Proskauer Rose Law Firm | Proskauer Rose LLP

Description: The Capital Commitment is written by the Proskauer Private Equity & Hedge Fund Litigation team and offers insights on private investments legal issues.

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The gloves are off. The SEC’s recent enforcement actions against leading crypto exchanges suggest that the SEC has decided that time’s up for the crypto industry as it currently exists in the United States.

After spending years urging industry participants to come in and register, the SEC has made clear, by going after some of the biggest players in the space, that it does not intend to tolerate exchange operators’ offering of unregistered crypto trading in the United States, at least as to retail investors where the tokens are securities. From the SEC’s perspective, most crypto tokens are securities, so, if a company wants to provide the securities-like infrastructure to trade those tokens, it must be registe

Read the full post on Proskauer’s Corporate Defense and Disputes blog .