pdetechnology.com - Data Storage Solutions | Data Storage Equipment | PDE Technology

Description: Data storage solutions provider with industry standard computer equipment. PDE Technology offers comprehensive line of products for data storage solutions.

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PDE Technology Storage Solutions That Work

PDE Technology Corp is an original equipment manufacturer for computer hardware in data storage solutions. PDE is a manufacturer of data storage solutions from network cables and adapters to external hard drive enclosures, duplicators, and circuit boards.

PDE Technology offers data storage solutions with professional industry standard equipment. Network cables such as fibre channel cables, fiber optic cables, SAS, SATA, infiniband cables, SCSI cables, SFP cables, firewire cables, and usb cables are RoHS compliant and designed to meet your high demand in data storage solutions. PDE designs and manufactures diverse line of external hard drive enclosures, rackmount storage, and iSCSI enclosures. Data storage enclosures are engineered for high performance, high

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