pds.se - Startsida | Prototal Sweden

Description: Nordeuropas största leverantör av 3D-printing, vakuumgjutning, aluminiumverktyg och formsprutning. Från prototyper till fullskalig produktion

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Forget the traditional rules about how a part can or should be manufactured. With additive manufacturing via 3D printing, you can fabricate items in many different ways, limited only by their design and function.

Casting in PUR allows us to quickly produce parts with properties and finish that resemble those of injection-moulded thermoplastics. The technology is a bridge between 3D printing and injection moulding.

Precision in every part; in an optimum material. Quality and reliability throughout the entire production process. Whether you are looking for high volumes of millions of parts or small series production – it’s no problem for us.