- Effective governance, Peace Dividends

Description: African Union,Peace and Security Department,ending conflicts, sustaining peace,Amisom,Somalia,Lybia,Sudan,Côte d'Ivoire,Rwanda,South Africa, ASF,Conflict management, Peace support operations, map of African Union field missions, Make peace Happen, resource on peace, document,download,resolution,treaty,policy,declaration,resolution,communique, video, report,diplomacy, for peace in africa

rwanda (244) côte d'ivoire (185) sudan (171) somalia (71) african union (13) lybia (3) sustaining peace (2) peace and security department (1) ending conflicts (1) amisom (1)

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The video portays the Message of H.E. Amb. Bankole Adeoye, Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS) launching the 2nd Awareness Week on Post Conflict Reconstruction and Development, from 24 - 30 November 2022

Le Partenariat fructueux de l'Union Africaine avec l'Union Européenne et l'Organisation des Nations Unies par le biais de l'AMISOM (Mission de l'Union Africaine en Somalie) a contribué à remettre la Somalie sur une trajectoire de paix. A strong partnership of the African Union with the European Union and the United Nations through AMISOM (African Union Mission in Somalia) has helped put back Somalia on a peaceful trajectory.

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