- Michael Pearce

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Michael Pearce mpp790 (at) uw (dot) edu Department of Statistics University of Washington Seattle, Washington

I am a fifth-year PhD candidate in statistics at the University of Washington . My primary research interests include preference learning, peer review, and Bayesian models applied to the social sciences. I currently work with Elena A. Erosheva on unified modeling of ratings and rankings in peer review and other social science applications. Previously, I worked with Adrian Raftery on probabilistic forecasting of supercentenarian survival using Bayesian population projections. I spent two summers as an Applie

I am passionate about statistics education. In addition to my regular duties as a teaching assistant and instructor, I am a co-founder and organizer of a reading group in statistics education , frequent mentor to undergraduates as part of the UW statistics Directed Reading Program , and served on a committee to update and modernize the department's undergraduate curriculum. Starting in Fall 2023, I will be an Assistant Professor of Statistics at Reed College in Portland, Oregon.