- Award-Winning Titanic Action-Adventure / Suspense-Thriller Novel OMAR by Craig O. Thompson

Description: 1st Edition Winner: International Benjamin Franklin Awards� Silver Award for Best New Voice -- Fiction, by action adventure genre author and counter-terrorism expert Craig O. Thompson. Fact or fiction? Described as more faction than fiction, this award-winning First Edition is a suspense thriller and historical fiction book in one. OMAR: A Novel is a page turner about &quo;The Great Omar&quo;--a priceless shipwreck treasure lost among the wreckage, history and ghosts of the RMS Titanic ship's abyss -- and

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Reviews & Testimonials : "Craig O. Thompson's OMAR forecasts tomorrow's headlines . The proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, materials, and know-how is the number one national security threat to the United States. This well-researched fiction is a timely window into potential disasters for unprepared nations. "

U.S. Senator, Richard G. Lugar Former Member, Select Intelligence Committee and Foreign Relations Committee October 4, 1996 (when OMAR was in early draft form)

"Omar is a suspenseful and thrilling novel of escalating global terrorism...a shocking, action-packed, highly recommended page-turner filled with suspense and plot twists to the end."