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Description: I'm Pedro Loures, a Game Programmer and Designer. Come check my portfolio on this link and see what I have to offer.

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Dream Arcade Simulator Overview Dream Arcade Simulator is a game made by me and my friends as last project in Centennial College in 2021. We were a team of five, and would often call ourselves the dream team because most of us were used to working together. The game is as simple as that, a Arcade Simulator made in just three to four months in between classes. We wanted to add many other functionalities but we wouldn’t have much time to properly test everything, so they were scrapped. You can buy different a

The game flows in like turns: First you have night time, which time doesn’t flow. You can manage your place, buy stuff, move, take your time. When you are done and proceed to daytime you can even speed up the game but here the day flows by itself.

During nighttime, you can open the shop and choose what you want to buy divided by the tab system. From there, you can place, rotate, move and sell objects as you wish. Once you are done, you can press the play button at the top. During daytime, robots will come in according to the fame of your place. They will walk around and might decide to give it a shot. Each have a specific type of game they rather play. If no machines are available they will wait for a while. If they decide to leave, they might break