- Peebles Originals Crystal set kits and tube radios plus a whole lot more.

Description: Crystal radio kits, tube radio kits, they are all here at Peebles Originals. These radios are designed as they were in the 1950's. You child or grand child will remember the crystal set that they built with you forever. Variable capacitors, coils, books, tubes and sockets and other radio parts are all available at

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Peebles Originals Home Order Kits Catalog Links Welcome to Peebles Originals         Mike Peebles has been producing crystal radios, tube radios, transistor radio kits, and informative instruction articles, since 1988. Mike has been building and tinkering with crystal radio, tube & transistor radios since the age of ten, which included AM and short wave radios as well.

      Having lived through many years of the exciting evolution of radio, he has acquired a well-rounded understanding of the many changes in the field of radio. He has also had many years' experience in the field of electronics, which included the understanding of the technical aspects of radio and it's many advancements.

      Mike writes the "Peebles Choice" column in the Xtal Set Society newsletter, which is also dedicated to crystal, tube, and transistor radio of the vintage nature. Supplying radio kits, parts, literature, instructions & information in the interest of hobby radio building and experimenting. We offer many fine books on this subject as well. So, let's all have fun in radio building!

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