- Business & Marketing Consultant | United Kingdom | Pete Durant

Description: Pete Durant is a Business and Marketing Consultant & Speaker with expertise in leading business change, digital transformation, heading up social marketing agencies, creating integrated digital brand strategies, cutting edge content and award-winning marketing campaigns.

social media marketing (3692) keynote speaker (766) marketing strategy (744) business consultant (595) business strategy (576) marketing consultant (425) brand marketing (239) social media strategy (186) social media consultant (52) ethical business (20)

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about PETE An award-winning marketer, creative and digital-social-content leader, Pete connects brands with audiences and drives fast, valuable growth. In the modern, multi-platform world with attention at a premium and audience at the core, he’s passionate about brands creating emotional ties through brilliant basics and strong foundations, powered by his bespoke storytelling engine and driving fame as key to every business’ growth.

In a super cluttered content rich world where 54% of all brands are generic (that is put out similar or identical messaging) and AI driving digital media decisions , telling your unique story and creating a strong emotional connection across all customer experiences is vital to power performance and guarantee long-term growth .