- pete phillips

Description: Pete Phillips - Laleston - web and blog content about me, music, linux, R and tech generally.

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I'm a pharmacist turned lab scientist, who managed the Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory (SMTL) , based in Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend, South Wales until March 2022. I am now semi-retired, working as Technical Director at SMTL.

Married to Karen, with three children (Rhys, Carys & Sian), I live in the village of Laleston, just outside Bridgend in South Wales. Graduating as a pharmacist from the London School of Pharmacy in 1981, I did my pre-registration at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead before moving back to South Wales in 1983.

Workwise, my interests span medical gloves, urinary catheters, surgical instruments, surgical dressings, and other types of medical devices. I'm also a UNIX/GNU linux afficianado, having used UNIX-like systems since the lab bought its first one in 1987.