- Peter Hessler

Description: Peter Hessler - Journalist and author of Strange Stones: Dispatches from East and West

author (9440) journalist (2066) 奇石 (13) river town (7) oracle bones (2) peter hessler (1) strange stones (1) country driving (1)

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Peter Hessler is a writer of narrative nonfiction and the author of four books. Originally from Columbia, Missouri, he has spent most of his writing life overseas. In 1996, he joined the Peace Corps, which sent him to Fuling, a small city in southwestern China. For two years, he taught English and American literature at Fuling Teachers College, an experience that eventually became the subject of his first book, River Town , which was published in 2001. This book was followed by two others about China: Oracl

During this period, China underwent enormous change, and Hessler recorded the moment through observing the experiences of average citizens. For the most part, he avoided writing about the famous and the powerful, instead focusing on farmers, factory workers, students, teachers, traders, and small entrepreneurs. Most of his subjects reflected two key social dynamics of this era: the mass migration from the countryside to cities, and the tens of millions of Chinese individuals who had known poverty but were n

With each book, Hessler focused on a different theme. River Town , which is set entirely in Fuling, examines geography and sense of place. Oracle Bones , which ranges between contemporary events and ancient archaeology, is concerned with history and time. And Country Driving is about economics and development, focusing on communities that are being radically transformed by China’s urbanization.

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