- 哪里可以下载伟德app-伟德bv国际体育官网

Description: 哪里可以下载伟德app在2009年成立于英属维京群岛斥资逾10亿美元创办,伟德bv国际体育官网以其一流的技术团队、高格局的市场视角,卓越的服务品牌以及高端的配套设备建立至今,在全球拥有超过800多万人数会员。

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Example domain paragraphs

My research aims to build and improve computer-based interactive systems. I am interested in speaker verification, speech recognition, speech synthesis and other speech/audio processing technologies.

I received my Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University under the supervision of Prof. Jia Liu in 2020, with the dissertation titled Research on Speaker Embedding Extraction Methods based on Deep Learning . I was a visiting student in Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED) in 2018. I received my M.E. degree from Tsinghua University in 2015 and my B.E. degree from Wuhan University in 2012.

I joined ByteDance AI Lab as an engineer in 2020. Now I am a Research Scientist at Moore Threads.