- Proficheck - Vidíme za roh

Description: Jsme profesionální tým stavebních expertů a projektových manažerů

construction management (778) due-diligence (582) technický dozor investora (15) cenový management (3) pfck (2) proficheck (2) řízení fit-out (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Organic architecture, cooled ceilings, unique connection between the historic baroque palace and the new building, roof garden with plane trees. European Concrete Award 2018. We provided technical supervision of the fit-out management for the investor.

Taking a disused part of a Brno heating plant site and transforming it into a contemporary urban area. CITY HUB combines living, culture, work, and a rich palette of social and community life. We provide complete project management for Brno City.

Complete reconstruction of the shopping centre, without impacting the hypermarket’s smooth operation. We acted as the investor's technical supervisor and HSE coordinator for Trikaya. Project received the Building of the South Moravian Region 2021 award.

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