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Jürgen Weiland Homeopath & Photographer Homeopathic practice: Design & Photography:
HOME Sitemap INTRODUCTION PLANT GALLERIES Acanthaceae Alliaceae Amaranthaceae Amaryllidaceae Anacardiaceae Apiaceae Apocynaceae Araceae Aristolochiaceae Asphodelaceae Asteraceae Berberidaceae Boraginaceae Brassicaceae Cactaceae Campanulaceae Cannabaceae Caryophyllaceae Cistaceae Convolvulacae Cornaceae Crassulaceae Cucurbitaceae Dipsacaceae Droseraceae Equisetaceae Ericaceae Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae Fagales Gentianaceae Geraniaceae Haemodoraceae Hyacinthaceae Iridaceae Lamiaceae Liliales Limnanthaceae Linacea
For the current design I have selected an image showing the silky papi from the common dandelion. They form the parachutes, enabling the seeds to be carried out by the wind… Enjoy the images