- Phage Australia - Connect. Share. Cure.

Description: Phage Australia is a national network of phage researchers and clinician scientists who aim to professionalise phage therapy as the third major intervention for infectious diseases, after vaccines and antibiotics.

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About us Blog Biobank Members Join Phage Australia Phage Australia A national network of phage researchers and clinician scientists who aim to professionalise phage therapy as the third major intervention for infectious diseases. Treating our first patient Our approach → 28+ Patients treated 75+ Investigators and Partners 16+ Treatment Sites 2344 Registered phages 5397 Registered strains Our journey to treating Dhanvi In 2019, 7-year-old Dhanvi was in a car accident. The bones in her legs became infected wi

Read about Dhanvi →

If the right phage can be found in time, phages can be used like antibiotics to cure life-threatening bacterial infections

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