- ‎Pharmacy Future Leaders on Apple Podcasts

Description: Pharmacy Students are the Future of the Pharmacy Industry. This podcast is created for the Pharmacy Student & Resident by Pharmacy Students. Pharmacists are the Hub of Healthcare. The Pharmacy Future Leaders Podcast is a member of the Pharmacy Podcast Network. 

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Pharmacy Students are the Future of the Pharmacy Industry. This podcast is created for the Pharmacy Student & Resident by Pharmacy Students. Pharmacists are the Hub of Healthcare. The Pharmacy Future Leaders Podcast is a member of the Pharmacy Podcast Network. 

National Patient Counseling Competition | Future Pharmacy Leaders

Deanna J. Schnitzer is a pharmacy student the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. Deanna was a finalist for the National Patient Counseling Competition.  The goal of the APhA-ASP National Patient Counseling Competition is to encourage student pharmacists in their efforts toward becoming better patient educators. 2021 National Patient Counseling Competition FINALISTS  Anna Brown – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Amy Chan – Virginia Commonwealth University Sara Salama – Midwestern Univers