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pheromone (48) sexual desire (9) androstenone (3) 【沙巴足球体育】(中国区)官网 (2) sex pheromone (1) copulins (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Pheromones can be defined as excreted chemical substances that convey important signals about availability of food, imminent danger or sexual desire to the receiving individual of the same species. The use of the so-called sexual pheromones has been best studied on insects and long applied in pest control. Sex pheromones are also used to communicate between humans and are believed to impact our sexual and social behaviour. However, compared to insects, whose behaviour is stereotyped, humans are complex crea

Although it is not exactly known how pheromones work in humans, it has been proven that women who live together with other women tend to harmonize their menstrual cycles. This activity was attributed to the existence of female pheromones released from woman's armpit. In addition, women who have regular sex with men have more regular menstrual cycles than women who have sporadic sex, which is assumed to be a woman's response to the male pheromones. One recent study also showed that women can smell men's inte

As mentioned earlier, pheromones are released mainly through sweat in our armpits. Hence, deodorants from the category of antiperspirants, which work by blocking the pores in the armpits, limit the amount of pheromones released. Some other factors that determine the release of our natural substances are weather (including temperature, humidity and sunlight), seasonal factors, age, sex, social status, race and ethnicity. These factors help define our own personal pheromone mix (also called signature).

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