- Phillip Fivel Nessen—Brand & Digital Product Design

Description: Phillip Fivel Nessen—Brand & Digital Product Design

design (78215) branding (16938) designer (14597) ux (4796) ui (3649) product design (2565) art director (2121) interactive design (344) phillip nessen (2) phillip fivel nessen (1)

Example domain paragraphs

branding and package design — Plus is a Bay Area startup producing high-end medical and legal recreational marijuana gum. As a bunch of former developers, they brought some mad science to bear on their product, creating an edible that won’t leave you debilitatingly toasted for 15hrs, melting into your futon, but could act as a replacement for a beer or two. I was approached to create an identity and package design that would express the brand’s healthy, sophisticated values. The physical packaging was desig

art direction and branding — This report commissioned by futurists at Google , looks at the future of work and leadership, and what strategic form Google will need to take. Most excitingly, the project called for updating Google ’s branding, exploring how their visual identity would evolve in a more fluid, complex future. In this vision of the future, their classic shapes and colors flow into each other, converging and, as in real life, individual parts are never as siloed off as they seem. If you came here

product design and branding — Staff was a Samsung funded startup which believed that greater workplace happiness means a better performing company and what would really make workers happy isn’t a ping pong room but being being able to know how their coworkers and those with a similar job thought and felt. Staff shared employee surveys by the employees, things we’ve all wished we could share with each other, and made them public, as well as shared Staff Reports, a sort of data-driven Glassdoor, that you have

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