- Galimatias | Travelogue for the young and young at heart…

Description: Travelogue for the young and young at heart...

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Yet again I find myself at the pointy end of a trip without enough time to visit Rome. I only have two nights  but that only translates to a day and a bit all up. But you know what?   I’m not going to rush around at breakneck speed trying to get it all done. I’m going to give myself over to Rome and see what it gives me in return.

It’s tempting to have a nana nap after I arrive, but I know how that ends up so I force myself off the bed and out into the streets and I just go. I walk down streets that take my fancy and stop at things that interest me. I find myself outside some basilica ( Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano incidentally) and wonder whether it’s worth going in. Well a) it’s free and b) it is the Pope’s official seat so naturally it’s totally OTT. And oh my mother f-ing god. I continue to be amazed at the grandeur of th

The next day I went into the heart of Rome and walked for about six hours straight. I found (debateably) the best porchetta, gelato and around every corner there was another architectural wonder (the Parthenon really hits you straight between the eyeballs). I thought yesterday’s basilica was raising the bar pretty high until I saw the Basilica dei Santi Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso and realised they just took it to a whole new level. I haven’t seen the Vatican as I’m a bit crowd averse, but I don’t think I sho