- Phodal - 狼和凤凰 | Growth Engineer

Description: Phodal Huang is a geek, creator and author, like to create and share in the real world & virtual world.He like to share software development experiences to help people build better software systems. He has written three books on software development, there are Frontend Architecture: from Basic to Micro-Frontend, Design IoT System and Growth: Thinking in Full Stack. He also was a reviewer of seven books on IoT and frontend development.

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作为一个知名的 markdown 专家,撰写了超过 900 篇的博客。在技术社区有各式的称号:、阿里云 MVP、知乎编程、程序员话题优秀答主、CSDN 博客专家等

作为一个开到填不完的知名开源挖坑选手,我经常在 IDE、图形引擎和编译器相关的领域游荡。

作为一个不间断地绘画的设计学徒,我将数据可视化与信息技术相结合来展示数据,将 UI 与前端相结合来创建更好的用户体验,将设计引入技术来创建价值。

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