- Picture Schedules for Special Education

Description: Picture Schedules has software and online materials for creating visual organizational materials for autistic and special education students.

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Self-help skills are much easier to master if they are broken down into small steps and shown visually. Shown below are various ways that you can present the steps. Many of the methods below use velcro-backed cards and a "finished" or "all done" box. Students can place completed steps into the box, so that they feel a sense of accomplishment as each step is done.

To help tame the chaos in the home environment when you are getting ready to go, you can create a "Time to Go" strip. You should also create matching pictures which are placed in the proper locations about the house. In the example below, the child must complete the following steps before leaving:

These individual steps are cut out, laminated, and attached to a velcro strip. Another set of pictures is then created using the 20-card per page mode in Picture This... Leave a blank spot below each picture as shown in the example below.