picturethisgames.com - Picture This Game for Learning

Description: Create an educational memory game for any subject using photos with the Picture This Game mobile app!

Example domain paragraphs

Seniors/Memory Care Cognitive Down Syndrome Autism Spectrum Card Backs Personal Card Backs Sponsor Card Backs LOG IN While They Play, They Learn Create an educational memory game for any subject using photos!

Picture This Game makes learning interactive and fun! This virtual card-matching memory game allows you to customize your own “flashcards” with educational content and exercise your memory recall skills all in one. Cover any subject from social studies to language arts, or math to science. The possibilities are endless with customizable Picture This Games.

Create a fully customizable game for students to explore new topics or simply improve on a subject. Upload your lesson plan as pictures to match in the game.

Links to picturethisgames.com (6)