piezowavetherapysandiego.com - PiezoWave 2 - Aspire Health & Wellness

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Dr. Boaz, Doctor of Physical Therapy, is excited to be the FIRST and ONLY clinician in all of San Diego that has the PiezoWave2 technology!

Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT) describes the use of acoustic waves to target tissue at varying depths to compress and manipulate the tissue to facilitate the body’s natural healing response. Through the use of the PiezoWave2 technology, MyACT is used in the treatment of acute and chronic pain in muscles, tendons and joints.

The PiezoWave2, developed by Richard Wolf, combines orthopedic applications of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) with the applications of Trigger Point Shock Wave Therapy (TPST), which are highly efficient, non-surgical treatments for chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system.