pisymphony.com - Lars Creative Warehouse

Description: some things I do.

music (52203) jazz (9691) stone (2244) cartoon (1615) bach (691) bust (73)

Example domain paragraphs

Bach Inventions set to jazz, a symphony based on the digits of pi, stone carvings in marble or limestone, a cartoon manatee named Hugh, and the Burt St. Boys ( a family jazz ensemble) are some of Lars' current endeavors. Celebrate Pi Day March 14th, (3/14) at 1:59PM The Europeans will not be able to celebrate this day because they intelligently spell the date with day, month and year, unless they add a 31st day to April. No wait, it could be the third of January at 4:15 --hmm. You see, the digits of pi (3.1

Stone Sculpture For a couple years now, I have been pursuing stone sculpture. I am concentrating on realist portraits in limestone. Check out some examples. An accurate representation can take up to 8 hours of 'sitting' which happens in roughly three sessions. The result is a life size 'head' which usually weighs about 100 lbs. in solid limestone. Why not get a head? Stone is cool.

Altered Inventions. Altered Inventions was released in August of 2002. It is a collection of Bach 2 & 3 part inventions arranged for jazz. Many are performed in altered time signatures and recorded digitally with classic jazz instrumentation - Piano, Bass, drums, flute. Check out the samples. This collection of songs is packaged with a cover design using a stone self-portrait. 'Altered Inventions'