pjiap.org - Physiotherapy - The Journal of Indian Association of Physiotherapists

Description: Physiother - J Indian Assoc Physiother, Official publication of Indian Association of Physiotherapists,India

online (35728) electronic (2927) open access (651) e-journal (297) free access (290) full-text (260) online submission (259) physiother - j indian assoc physiother

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Clinical documentation in Indian physiotherapy practitioners is still in a nascent stage. On introspection, we found that for every action there should be a will. Now the question arises, whether th...

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of multimodal sensorimotor training on the stereotypical behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A group of 6...

CONTEXT: Ethics is a building block of health-care practice. Medical ethics is values and behavior applied during patient care. It may be ingrained through culture, education, upbringing, and...