- Placette Audio - preamplifiers pre-amps and volume controls

Description: Placette Audio uses components such as Vishay resistors to produce the finest pramplifiers, pre-amps, and volume controls

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  Products Active Linestage Preamplifier Passive Linestage Remote Volume Control Remote Control Codes Pre Program Hand Remote Power Supply   * Reviews & Awards Our History Testimonials Q and A Warranty Site Map Home   THE AUDIO ASYLUM FORUM TYPE " PLACETTE " IN THE SEARCH BOX If you have been searching for the sonic purity and clarity that allows hours and hours of fatigue-free listening, Placette Audio has the pre-amps and volume controls that make it possible. Our exclusive use of the very costly Vishay S

EDITORS’ TOP PICKS Stereophile April 2006 VOL.29 NO.4 Preamplifiers Page 88 “ Placette Audio Remote Volume Control: $1000 A paperback–sized black box with one set of unbalanced inputs and outputs, a toggle switch and remote, a row of LEDs that light up to indicate the relative volume level, and a 125–step attenuator built entirely with super-premium Vishay S-102 foil resistors. The Placette centered and locked images into place, improved transparency by removing grunge, and snapped sonic

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