Description: W_W_W Plant Opera - Project Wood Wide Web, an opera by the plants, an opera for the plants... by Kapitolina Tcvetkova-Plotnikova, Arnaud Grandjean, Jean-David Merhi, Gabriel Jeanjean
web (36933) wood (4033) plants (2448) opera (2207) wide (205) cooperation (201) w_w_w (1) archstoyanie (1) kapitolina tsvetkova-plotnikova (1) arnaud grandjean (1)
About 15.07.2019 Kalt 26.07.2019 Archstoyanie 01.09.2019 Longevity Technical Note Contact
About 02.07.2023 KAB 01.09.2019 Longevity 26.07.2019 Archstoyanie 15.07.2019 Kalt Technical Note Contact