- Medical Herbalist Rhiannon Evans Banbury, Oxfordshire | Northamptonshire | Warwickshire

Description: A qualified medical herbalist based in Oxfordshire with over 20 years experience. Rhiannon was awarded Fellowship Status by NIMH in 2007

medicine (3263) member (826) herbal (697) qualified (325) recognition (285) conditions (176) remedies (166) contribution (69) awarded (35) fellowship status (1)

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Rhiannon Evans has been practising as a medical herbalist for over 20 years. She qualified as a Member of The National Institute of Medical Herbalists in 1989.

Rhiannon was awarded a Fellowship from NIMH in 2007. This was in recognition of her contribution to the Ethnomedica/Remembered Remedies Kew based archiving project.

Herbal medicine is suitable for people of all ages, including infants. Rhiannon may be consulted about any conditions which may cause you to visit your doctor including:-