- PlantText UML Editor

Description: PlantText is an online tool that quickly generates images from text. Primarily, it is used to generate UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams. It is based on a text language called PlantUML.

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Convert raw PlantUML text into a URL. The URL can then be copied into a browser in order to create the diagram image. This URL is useful when trying to put PlantUML diagrams into documents or uploading them to other websites.

PlantText is an online tool that quickly generates images and diagrams from the text you enter. It is mostly used to create UML diagrams (Unified Modeling Language) from a language called PlantUML, but many other types of images and diagrams can be created as well. Simply type the PlantUML language into the editor and refresh the screen to produce the image / diagram. Save, export, or copy the image or it's encoded link for use in your websites, requirements, or design documents.

PlantText is currently free to use for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Donations are greatly appreciated to help cover the costs of hosting, maintenance, and enhancements.

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