- Plastic Waste Solutions - Dr Ross Headifen

Description: Dr Ross Headifen

recycle (912) pollution (432) biodegradable (294) landfill (121) plastic waste (49) bioplastic (29)

Example domain paragraphs

Every piece of plastic ever made and disposed to a landfill still exists. Why? Plastic is not a natural product therefore nature has no way to break it down, other than 100s to 1000’s of years of time. More plastic was manufactured in the last 10 years than all of last century.

Where does it go? Where do we put 300 million tons of plastic every year that is specifically designed not to break down?

Over recent decades we have moved to a society of disposable plastic products. Plastic has a wonderful array of properties that have made it ideal for many of these applications. However the rate at which we are demanding these items is growing rapidly and is unsustainable. The total world plastic production in the first decade of this century has roughly equalled the total plastic production of the entire 20th century. However what has gone unnoticed by almost all of us is the disposal problem this has mad

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