- Play Design - American Football card game

Description: Play Design - The American Football card game

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The American Football card game

The 12th of November in 1892 is the date of a never to be forgotten moment in sports history. Allegheny Athletic Association football team was the first to openly pay a player $ 500,- in a game against rivalry team Pittsburgh Athletic Club. It was the start of professional competition and the birth of American Pro Football.

Despite this head start of these two teams, none of them exist today, but not without long forgotten reasons. One player had to give up his spot in the team for the hired professional, but got traded something special for his compliance. A subtle silent fell as the first ever set of American Football tactics, that where scribbled on an old deck of pokercards, passed on to him. And it is with this deck the game we love today was formed in all its glory. As for the cut player, he became the most successful co