- Playsport NI

Description: At Playsport NI we pride ourselves in providing fun sports and dance activities to primary school children. Our sessions enable children of all abilities to participate in organised, fun activities in a safe environment. Activities that we offer include football, dodgeball, kwik-cricket, uni-hoc and modern dance.

dance courses (7) after school sports (5) playsport (2) playsport ni (1) holiday sports (1)

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Welcome to the Playsport NI website. It has been designed with the user in mind. We hope that the simple layout allows you to browse with ease. You will find information about Playsport NI and the courses that are currently running and that are due to start in the near future. Thank you for your visit.

At Playsport NI we pride ourselves in providing fun sports and dance activities to Primary School aged children. Whether it be After-School, during the holidays or at a Birthday Party, our sessions enable children of all abilities to participate in organised, fun activities in a safe environment. Activities that we currently offer are Football, Dodgeball, Kwik-Cricket, Tag Rugby, Unihoc and Modern Dance.

We have been in operation for over 10 years and our courses run throughout County Antrim. Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with all our latest news and updates.