Description: Plexus International is an adventure of artists in the first person. It started its activities in 1982 in New York and, for more 25 years, has covered a seminal role in numerous experimental events of art & science around the world, particularly in Senegal, USA, Sardinia, Australia and Rome. Plexus International è unâavventura di artisti in prima persona. Ha iniziato la sue attività nel 1982 a New York e, per piuâ di 25 anni, ha svolto un ruolo seminale in numerosi eventi sperimentali arte & scienza
creativity (2725) diversity (1440) well-being (1004) emotion (348) perception (224) myth (188) symbols (155) archetype (41) plexusinternational (1) anthropology art (1)
Plexus International Archives keeps original historical artworks and documents of the Plexus journey for freedom of art, to saveguard them at disposal for consultation, exhibitions and events, chronologically catalogued from 1982 up to now, with a short pre-history from the 70's.
Each Plexus event took place in its own present, made up by recalls of past concepts and activities while projecting itself into the future.
Plexus International is a voyage of artists in the first person. Since its beginning, Plexus International is searching for alternatives to enhance human experience, in which art, like food, is an essential element of human evolution.