- Pesticides Manufacturers Formulators Association of India

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+91 22 26734845 / 46 Home About ICSCE Stall & Sponsorship Agenda Registration Hotel & Travel Career Contact Us Register Now PMFAI announce INTERNATIONAL CROP-SCIENCE EXHIBITION, INDIA’S BIGGEST AGRI INPUTS  TRADE Show with Concurrent Plenary Session to be organized on 7 th & 8 th September 2023 Tentatively, New Delhi. INDIA is one of the BEST ALTERNATIVES IN GLOBAL CROP PROTECTION CHEMICAL SECTOR India is 4 th largest global manufacturer of Agchem chemicals. Indian Agchem Export shave grown at a CAGR of 6%

ICSCE is INDIA’S BIGGEST AGRI INPUTS Trade show with concurrent Exhibition driving Business Opportunities for all AG Chem & AG BIO

The ICSCE provides great Opportunity to stand distinguished amongst more than 500 delegates to promote the business, network, gain ample knowledge of Industry.

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