- PNA – Performance Network Agency - Non-Union Voice Talent

Description: PNA - Performance Network Agency : Non-Union Voice Talent

toronto (5906) announcer (141) pna (27) voice toronto (2) voice pna (1) voice-over toronto (1) canada voice (1) canada deep voice (1) canadian voice agency (1) non-union canadian voice talent (1)

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Welcome to PN Agency, North America’s #1 source for Non-Union voiceover talent!

We now have full English voice rosters in 3 cities: Toronto, Montreal and New York.   We also have solid French rosters in both Toronto & Montreal.   Please take a look, and of course a listen, around. Oral specialists are waiting to serve you!

If you need voice talent in other languages, feel free to visit our sister agency, Ethnic Voice Talent ( EVT ).

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