Description: Support Work From Anywhere 🌎 with instant remote troubleshooting (Wired and Wi-Fi!) for you, your team, and your clients.
sre (168) incident response (132) future of work (109) digital experience monitoring (12) network reliability (9) nre (7) network assurance (3) wifi assurance (2) userops (2) edgeops (2)
Gartner forecasts that ~53% of the UK & US workforce will work remotely during 2022 . DEM (Digital Experience Monitoring) is the first step to guarantee productivity.
With Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) PanSift automatically watches and troubleshoots your specific environment to generate insights on your devices and network so you or your team can rapidly diagnose issues, remotely.
PanSift is continuously monitoring and reporting a whole suite of metrics relating to the network and overall health of the user's laptop. This in-path monitoring is the only true way to understand what the user is experiencing and what network conditions are really like. PanSift even watches the radio airspace and can suggest better Wi-Fi channels to use to solve all manner of problems with video conferencing, gaming, and voice calls.