poeticsofaging.org - The Poetics of Aging | Towards a New Understanding of the Many Verses in Life

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AgeSong Institute, in collaboration with leading Bay Area universities and organizations, organized a four-day get-together for people interested in exploring the beauty and depth of life at any stage and age. The conference mission is to counter the mainstream understanding of aging as decline and/or disease with a more expansive, humanistic, and creative vision and approach ( see article ).

Photos by: Nader Shabahangi, Denise Bondy, Marilyn Harryman

"We talk about the prime of life. What is that? When is that?... We continue to mature and develop, especially emotionally and spiritually, until we die. Imagine if we could not wait to get old, like a child can't wait to be an adult? Imagine if we looked at each day as another opportunity to deepen, mature, grow, develop, become an elder? How stunningly shortsighted, then, to view aging as decline! Aging allows us to keep writing the poem we call our life."