pointx.cz - POINT.X spol s.r.o.

Description: POINT.X je zkušeným dodavatelem mobilních řešení pro podniky a státní organizace.

point.x (3) mobilní řešení (3) pointx (2) point x (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Solutions Logistics and transportation Data capture and mobility for warehouse management systems (WMS) yard management systems (YMS) parcel tracking systems (track&trace) enterprise label... Production You can be sure that the maintenance man checked all the machines that had, and has performed all required tasks? If equipped with a mobile terminal and the machine / control points marked barcode (or... Retail Customer demands and competitive environment makes business firms operate as efficiently as possib

(For reference: it is on the street from the company's headquarters in Malátova street).

LowCode, i.e. development with minimal code writing, is to software what automation is to production lines. Most of the work is shifted to analysts, business consultants and minimizes the actual writing of code. Development is all about modelling processes using interactive tools...

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