policeandfire.games - European Police & Fire Games | Braga 2024

Description: The X European Police and Fire Games will be held in Braga - Portugal during the next October 11 to 20, 2024.

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To view or download the Timetable of the Games

epfgassociation Opening Ceremony of the last European Police & Fir X EUROPEAN POLICE & FIRE GAMES BRAGA 2024 2024 re FIREFIGHTERS SPECIALITIES Ultimate Firefighter, To STRENGTH SPORTS Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Cross Follow on Instagram Last News Torrelavega (Cantabria) congratulates its champion cyclist Taekwondo and Kickboxing champions are received at their City Hall Policewoman from Seville won 8 gold medals at the Games Ciudad Real City Council decorates its medal-winning officers The Mayor of Salama

Around 120 events in almost 50 sports! All the information about each discipline, event, specialities, categories and competitions. For any questions write through our form, located on each sports page.

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